Ten (plus one) Do’s and Don’ts for When You Meet Trans People
Once you get to know a trans person you will quickly learn that you have a lot more in common with them than you ever knew. Trans-folk...

The Canary In The Coal Mine – Why The LGBTQ Movement Needs The “T”
This weekend many in our town will be celebrating at our Pride in the Park event and many transgender people will be in attendance. But, fro

Am I Transgender?
OK. I will admit it, sometimes I am a “lurker” on Facebook. You know, one of those people who observes friends’ feeds but does not...

It Ain't No Riddle
Acceptance is a word that is used frequently in regard to LGBT people and other minorities. You hear phrases like “I just want to be accept

Transgender Day of Remembrance
This week is the National Week of Transgender Awareness. It is capped off by the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The Transgender Day of...

We Need To Show Our Voices Loud And Strong
Ever since I started my transition, I have been asked many questions about “how did I know” or “what made me one day in my late 30's come...

12 Little Things You Can Do To Promote Trans Equality
We often wonder just what does it take to move a mountain like getting the larger community to accept (and hopefully embrace)...