Summertime News

We just concluded the June meeting of the Lehigh Valley Renaissance transgender support group. We had two dozen transgender women and men attend this recent meeting which included a brief presentation by Frankie for the Bradbury Sullivan LGBT center about smoking cessation. We also had a fun discussion about the first time many of our members chose to go out in public – A real right of passage for many of us in the transgender community.
We had a number of first-time attendees at our June meeting along with several supporters. We hope you all had a wonderful evening and look forward to having you back next month!
Spreading the Word
Recently, LV Renaissance member have taken part in a number of regional events including:
The LGBT Health Fair at the Bradury-SulUlivan Center
The Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference
The Transgender Health Conference at Commonwealth Medical College
One of our missions at LV Renaissance is to educate the public about transgender issues. If you would like to increase awareness in your group or community, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Summer Time Transgender Events
During the meeting we also reviewed a number of upcoming events and I wanted to take a few moments to share them here with the larger community.
July 9 – LV Renaissance Annual Cookout. Held outside of our normal meeting location at the Metropolitan Community Church in the Church of the Manger building in Bethlehem we will be enjoying some time with nature while feasting on all American cook-out fare. We will be starting 30-minutes earlier that our typical start time so bring your appetite, bring a dish to pass and have a great time!
August 7 – Transgender Families Gathering. Sponsored by our friends at the Bradbury Sullivan LGBT Center, this free event is open to members of the transgender community and their family members. This is a great opportunity for involved family members to meet, chat and share resources. The event is free and runs from 2pm-5pm.
August 21 - Pride in the Park Festival. Sponsored by Pride of the Lehigh Valley, this event acknowledges the achievements and progress made by the LGBT community. Last year 4,000 attendees came to enjoy the vendors, music, food and more. LV Renaissance will have a tent at the festival, so drop-in and say hello! Hours are from noon-6pm. Admission is $5 with children under 12 being free.
Our Hearts and Minds are with Orlando
Lastly, it goes without saying that our membership has felt the pain and anguish of the Orlando community after the horrible shootings that occurred there. Our condolences are with the families and friends of the victims. Our hearts and minds are strong though and we are united in knowing that everyone will persevere. Our community grows stronger when we are united.
Learn More About the Lehigh Valley Transgender Community
Would you like to write for our transgender blog or learn more about our support group for transgender people in the Lehigh Valley and eastern Pennsylvania? If so, please contact Lehigh Valley Renaissance or better yet visit us at one of our monthly meetings!